Cemented resistors


RC resistors are basic structure of wire and band resistors mostly used as braking, power and load resistors with power ranging from 300 W up to 10000 W. They are designed mainly for indoor use.


continuous power range 300 W – 10 000 W
continuous current range RC1: 0,4 A – 15 A; RC2: 0,4 A – 30 A; RC4: 0,4 A - 60 A
resistance range resulting from power and work current 
operating voltage up to 1000 V AC/DC
insulation withstand voltage 2500 VAC / 1 min.
ambient max./min. temperature -5°C / 55°C
installation conditions of resistor installed indoors, in places where air exchange is ensured
level of protection IP00 – IP20 (for special applications - IP23)
temperature of resistor’s surfece for continuous operation 390°C ± 15°C


The construction of  RC resistors consists of a ceramic shaft on which the wire or the band is wound, depending on the load. The whole is covered with special white clay resistant to high temperatures. The advantage of white clay is the lack of smoke on first use.

Operating conditions:

  • continuous, cyclical, pulse operating
  • indoor use
  • work in an atmosphere containing no explosive gases and mixtures and corrosive fumes
  • ambient temp.: lowest long-term -30°C, the highest 24-hour 30°C, the highest short-term 55°C
  • relative humidity to 95% at +22°C (293 K)installation height max. 1000 meters above sea level

Compliance with standards:

  • PN-EN 60947-1 
  • PN83-H92336
  • PN-EN 60071-1
  • PN-EN 60529

Resistors RC1: power range 300 W – 2500 W for current 0,4 A – 15 A:

POWER [W] Rmax. [Ω] Rmin. [kΩ] D L L1 L2 H H1 H2 B P P2 P3
300 1,5 1,7 50 150 220 190 70 100 120 100 80 65 50
400 2 2,2 50 200 260 230 70 100 120 100 80 65 50
500 2,4 2,8 50 230 290 260 70 100 120 100 80 65 50
600 2,9 3,3 50 280 340 310 70 100 120 100 80 65 50
700 3,4 3,9 50 320 380 350 70 100 120 100 80 65 50
800 3,9 4,5 70 300 360 330 100 130 155 125 80 90 50
1000 4,9 5,6 70 300 360 330 100 130 155 125 80 90 50
1250 6,1 7 70 360 420 390 100 130 155 125 80 90 50
1500 7,3 8,4 70 410 470 440 100 130 155 125 80 90 50
2000 9,8 11,2 70 600 660 630 100 130 155 125 80 90 50
2500 12,2 14 70 600 660 630 100 130 155 125 80 90 50

Resistors RC2: power range 600 W – 5000 W for current 0,4 A – 30 A:

POWER [W] Rmax. [Ω] Rmin. [kΩ] D L L1 L2 H H1 H2 B P P2 P3
600 0,7 3,3 50 160 220 190 70 100 120 125 80 65 50
800 1 4,5 50 200 260 230 70 100 120 125 80 65 50
1000 1,2 5,6 50 230 290 260 70 100 120 125 80 65 50
1200 1,5 6,7 50 280 340 310 70 100 120 125 80 65 50
1400 1,7 7,8 50 320 380 350 70 100 120 125 80 65 50
1600 2 9 70 300 360 330 100 130 155 165 80 90 50
2000 2,4 11 70 300 360 330 100 130 155 165 80 90 50
2500 3,1 14 70 360 420 390 100 130 155 165 80 90 50
3000 3,7 16,8 70 410 470 440 100 130 155 165 80 90 50
4000 4,9 22 70 600 660 630 100 130 155 165 80 90 50
5000 6,1 28 70 600 660 630 100 130 155 165 80 90 50

Resistors RC4: power range 1200 W – 10000 W for current 0,4 A – 60 A:

POWER [W] Rmax. [Ω] Rmin. [kΩ] D L L1 L2 H H1 H2 B P P2 P3
1200 0,4 6,7 50 160 220 190 190 190 8 65 50 65 50
1600 0,5 9 50 200 260 230 190 190 80 65 50 65 50
2000 0,6 11,2 50 230 290 260 190 190 80 65 50 65 50
2400 0,7 13,5 50 280 340 310 190 190 80 65 50 65 50
2800 0,9 15,7 50 320 380 350 190 190 80 65 50 65 50
3600 1 18 70 300 360 330 260 230 80 90 50 90 50
4000 1,2 22,5 70 300 360 330 260 230 80 90 50 90 50
5000 1,5 28 70 360 420 390 260 230 80 90 50 90 50
6000 1,8 33,7 70 410 470 440 260 230 80 90 50 90 50
8000 2,4 45 70 600 660 630 260 230 80 90 50 90 50
10000 3,1 56 70 600 660 630 260 230 80 90 50 90 50



RC1 / 1500W / 20R – resistor IP00, 1500 W, resistance 20 Ω

RC2 / 2000W / 3,5R / D – resistor IP20, 2000 W, resistance 3,5 Ω, connecting cables by the gland in the housing

RC4 / 4000W / 30R / P / T – resistor IP20, 4000 W, resistance 30 Ω, connection of the cables to the connection box, the resistor has thermal (T)

Selection of resistor power - continuous work:

RC resistors are made in such a way that the hottest section of the resistor does not heat up to a temperature higher than 400°C. When the lower temperature of the hottest section of resistor is needed, you have to increase the power of assorted resistor - 390°C = Pn; 350°C = 1,3Pn. The resistor reaches its maximum temperature in 30 min of countinuous load by rated power Pn. 90% of the temperature is reached after approx. 20 minutes of continuous operation. Overloaded resistor - loaded by the power twice bigger than the rated power, reaches   650°C, but there is no permanent demage.The resistor works just as well in intermittent cycle. In such situation it can withstand the higher power than the rated power. The method of selecting the power of the resistor for circular operating is shown in the following tables.

Temp. rise of the resistor with a load of rated power Pn

For proper selection you have to specify parameters:

Tz – time of switching

Tc – time of the cycle (switching + pause)

Then calculate the type of work [%] of the resistor.

Type of work = Tz/Tc × 100%

Selecting the power of the resistor for circular operating

Impulse operation is when the resistor is temporarily overloaded by the power higher than the rated power and the next impulse occurs when the resistor is fully cooled, it means not earlier than after approx. 20 min. For proper selection of resistor’s power you need determine the duration of the impulse. Then, using the graph read the value of the overload power Pn for the specified time.

All technical data presented in the catalog can be changed due to technological progress.
